Silk Tussah & Silk Matka Solids
Tussah silk was a discovery of medieval times, producing Tussah is a rural art and this industry makes extensive use of tribal and rural labor. Tussah which itself a variety of silk can be further divided into various subcategories like Katia / Ghhichha, thigh reeled and machine reeled. Tussah silk is more textured than any other variety of silk and cooler than the other varieties and is a lot more porous, therefore breathable. Tussah silk is valued for its natural and rich texture. The warp and weft yarns of this plain weave fabric are very different, giving Tussah the look of woven grasses. This silk is considered an excellent choice for suits, jackets and for home furnishing.
MATKA Silk is an Indian term for rough handloom silk fabric, made from very thick yarns. There are slubs and irregularities that give the fabrica unique character, medium to heavy weight. Matka looks like a tweed but fibers are all the same color. This silk is considered an excellent choice for suits, jackets, drapery and upholstery.